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Why We Give

The word “tithe” literally means tenth or 10%. By contributing this percentage of your income, you aren’t paying back God for all that He has provided you, but rather you are giving back what was His to begin with. For us, tithing is a reminder that God has supplied us with every resource we have, and we should accordingly put Him first at all times. We can never repay God, but what we can do is honor God with the first fruits of our labor.


23 in 23

God has consistently used our church community to financially support the mission of His church. Although 2022 brought many exciting areas of growth (small groups, in-person services, outreach, etc.), we announced at the end of the year that we fell approximately 23% short of our financial goals.

Although we’re confident in our calling and will continue this year as planned, we now have a clear charge to those who call Epiphany home or just wish to support us: if you're able, please consider stretching your own faith this year by collectively extending your giving. We’ve identified that if everyone gave just 23% more, we would be able to comfortably continue with mission this year. Utilize the tool below to see how if you give $100 per month, that would increase to $123. If you give $250 per month, the increase would now be $307.50, and so on.

We will always be grateful for every gift, so all we ask is that you consider this opportunity and pray over it. We rejoice that through our infancy stages, through a global pandemic, and beyond, God has always and will always sustain His people and His church.

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Give Online / via Text

We are excited to be able to offer secure online giving for those of you who wish to make your tithes, offering or other gifts this way. We hope the convenience and simplicity of this feature will be a helpful tool to make your one-time or repeating contributions. All donations are tax-deductible.

You can text also “epiphanybk” to 77977 and follow the prompts until you receive a text confirming your gift. You can now give anytime from anywhere with a single text message. (Msg. & Data Rates May Apply.)

Give Online

We are excited to be able to offer secure online giving for those of you who wish to make your tithes, offering or other gifts this way. We hope the convenience and simplicity of this feature will be a helpful tool to make your one-time or repeating contributions. All donations are tax-deductible.

Give Online

Your generosity impacts Brooklyn and Beyond.


Through your generosity we have been able to help love and care for those negatively impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID Hardship Fund

Through your generosity we have been able to help love and care for those negatively impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

100% of these funds have gone directly to assist in the payment of utility bills, rent, groceries and many other essential items. We could not have made this impact without your giving.

Community Impact

Our AMOS Social Justice team, in partnership with our deacons, seeks to walk in holistic justice. Our goal is to aid in providing meals, fresh produce, clothing and many other ways to combat socio economic disparities within our community.

Friends Giving

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and as we transition spaces, we've had to get creative in how we do outreach. For the 2021 season, one of our goals was to serve some families for Thanksgiving. In the past we've held large community dinners or Friendsgiving-style potlucks in our space, but this year we were blessed to have some families nominated by our church for us to provide Thanksgiving meals for!

Mailing Address:
1080 Bergen St. #182 | Brooklyn, NY 11216